Why Get a Business Loan Before Financial Year End

The time for your business to take advantage of tax deduction and get your business finances in order is at the end of the financial year.

But sometimes we need a little bit of extra support to make those tax optimisation strategies work.

If you’re considering any of these below it’s highly likely a business loan will help.

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Sally Prowse
Property Values in A Recession

Just as economists have predicted, we are now heading into a recession.

The IMF also expects Australia’s economy will contract by 6.7 percent in 2020 and then rebound by 6.1 percent in 2021, assuming that measures to contain the virus are successful.

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Sally Prowse
How will Covid 19 affect our property markets and housing prices

You may have been concerned about the impact of COVID19 on property values. And recently economists and property experts have weighed in with their views as well.

For example, CBA Economics stated last week that property price declines are “inevitable” and has forecast that prices will fall by circa 10% in Melbourne and Sydney over the next 6 months.

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Sally Prowse
Guide to Property Investment During Crisis

More than ever selection of the right investment property is going to be critical. It’s the most important part of successful real estate investing. After you’ve determined your budget, it will be easier to narrow down your search to a particular location that meets your objectives. These are generally properties that will have the greatest potential for capital growth and rental return.

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Sally Prowse
Rental yield explained: what you need to know

So how do you know if you’re getting a good investment? Rental yield helps you determine a property's value and potential. It measures the profit you've generated from your investment each year as a percentage value. And it’s also a useful comparison if you’re deciding between comparable properties.

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Sally Prowse